Morty is the animated embodiment of Poodlehead’s iconic logo and a tribute to Marty, our late drummer.
Visit Morty’s YouTube Channel for all the riddles and more!
Meet Morty and Marty
Morty, with his top hat, sunglasses, and bow tie, brings Poodlehead’s logo to life. Inspired by Marty’s sharp wit, Morty carries on his legacy, challenging fans with intriguing puzzles from the afterlife.
Each Monday, Morty gathers your guesses and shares them with Marty’s spirit in the afterworld to see if anyone has cracked the cryptic riddle. Can you help Morty uncover the hidden wisdom? Will you rise to the challenge?
Current Riddle
Marty’s fourth riddle remains unsolved. Will you be the one to crack the code?
Past Winners
9/2/23: Christina H. from Catskill, NY, cracked Marty’s third riddle and won seven downloads and a Flex-Fit Bucket Hat. Congratulations, Christina!
1/24/23: Bobby G. from Sayreville, NJ, solved the second riddle, earning seven exclusive song downloads and a Adidas Duffel Bag. Kudos, Bobby!
10/12/22: Sarah T. from Portland, OR, cracked the first riddle and won a limited-edition hoodie and seven exclusive song downloads. Way to go, Sarah!
Riddle Archive
Marty’s 3rd Riddle:
Marty’s 2nd Riddle:
Marty’s 1st Riddle:
Marty, our beloved drummer, now lives on in the afterworld. These illustrations capture his spirit and legacy.